Butterfly scales of a Ulysses swallowtail butterfly, Papilio ulysses
Butterfly scales of a Ulysses swallowtail butterfly, Papilio ulysses. Image: Queensland Museum

Insect Agency

This exhibition has now closed.

Recommended for all ages

Queensland Museum Tropics. Map

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This exhibition has closed.


Insects are everywhere, in a mind-blowing diversity of shapes, colours and species.

Insect Agency, an exhibition developed by Queensland Museum, explores the surprising variety of ways insects do good - for the planet and humanity.

From maintaining healthy ecosystems, pollinating our crops, to providing inspiration for new technologies, they are six-legged superheroes.

  • Discover more than 1,000 insect specimens, from the tiniest wasps to brightly coloured butterflies, dracula ants, dung beetles and stick insects
  • Experience nearly all 349 species of Queensland butterflies on display – which make up more than 75% of Australia’s 450 or so butterfly species
  • Learn about the Dracula Ant, whose jaws can snap shut at a speed of 320 kilometres per hour!
  • Discover the internal structure of a Giant Bull Ant nest cast in aluminium especially for the exhibition – highlighting that ants (and termites) are our underground ecosystem engineers
  • Test your skills with Metamorphosis Match and learn all about insect life cycles!
  • Get interactive with our digital Bug Builder and Insect Sorter games.
  • Feature your flutter with our exclusive in-exhibition photo opportunity and quadroscope!

Get up-close and personal with insects at Queensland Museum Tropics.

Entomological Society of Queensland logo

This exhibition is supported by the Entomological Society of Queensland.

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