Memoirs of the Queensland Museum volumes

Memoirs of the Queensland Museum

Memoirs of the Queensland Museum | Nature
[ISSN 0079-8835 (print), ISSN 2204-1478 (online), ERA Journal ID 2098]
Submit to Memoirs | Nature via Scholastica

Memoirs of the Queensland Museum | Culture
[ISSN 2205-3220 (print), ISSN 2205-3239 (online), ERA Journal ID 38466]
Submit to Memoirs | Culture via Scholastica

Memoirs of the Queensland Museum has been published since 1912 as a natural and cultural history journal, documenting the evidence of adaptation and resilience of Queensland’s natural and cultural communities in the face of rapid environmental and technological changes. In 1998, the journal divided into two distinct scholarly publications: Memoirs of the Queensland Museum | Nature and Memoirs of the Queensland Museum | Culture.

Memoirs | Nature remains one of Australia’s leading natural history journals. It aims to publish scholarly, peer-reviewed articles in the natural sciences, with a focus on original research pertaining to biodiversity, taxonomy, systematics, natural history or biological collections. While manuscript submissions with a Queensland focus are encouraged, the journal has a broad geographic remit.

Memoirs | Culture focuses on scholarly research on Queensland Museum’s collections, as well as Queensland-based humanities research in history, archaeology, cultural studies and First Nations cultural heritage. The journal is primarily published as occasional thematic volumes around defined research areas.

Both series are recognised as Excellence for Research in Australia (ERA) Journals that are scholarly, peer-reviewed by experts in their field, and registered with ISSNs.

Queensland Museum now uses Scholastica to manage peer review for both journals. Please submit all manuscripts online via Scholastica using the links above.


Journal information and submission guidelines for both Memoirs | Nature and Memoirs | Culture can be found at their respective pages on Scholastica. Click the ‘submit’ links for each journal to learn more about the types of articles accepted, formatting requirements, the submission-to-publication process, copyright and licensing arrangements for each journal.

(Note: A more comprehensive Guide to Authors is currently in development for both journals and will be available on this page in due course. In the meantime, please refer to the information on Scholastica in the first instance, and reach out to us via email if you have questions not already addressed here.)

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Over 33,000 authors from around the world have cited articles from Memoirs, spanning the broad range of natural and cultural heritage topics. See who's citing our papers on Google Scholar CitationsNote: This data is compiled and controlled by Google. Queensland Museum takes no responsibility for the information found through this link.

Individual articles in Memoirs | Nature are published online to the Queensland Museum website as they are ready. Articles from Volume 48 and later can be found in the Memoirs index; articles in earlier volumes are available online through the Biodiversity Heritage LibraryFull volumes of Memoirs | Nature are no longer published in print.

Memoirs | Culture is published online to the Queensland Museum website as entire volumes once all articles have been peer reviewed, edited and typeset. A limited print run of the full volume may be produced to provide copies to stakeholders. Following online publication, printed copies of Memoirs | Culture will only be available print-on-demand.

Select past volumes of both journals may be available for purchase through the Queensland Museum Shop. Contact 07 3153 4416 for more information.

Enquiries from other institutions regarding reciprocal exchange of journals can be made to the Queensland Museum Library on 07 3153 4488 or via email.

By default, articles in both Memoirs | Nature and Memoirs | Culture are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. By agreement with the publisher, authors may opt to publish under a non-commercial and/or non-derivative licence. Please note when submitting your article if you require a specific licensing agreement.

Technical Reports of the Queensland Museum (ISSN 1837-6568) are available online in a ‘read only’ format. These reports may include supplementary data or reproductions (or revisions) of documents that were originally compiled to advise industry, government or academia on specific scientific issues. They are published to ensure that the scientific and technical data they contain are not lost within the vast unpublished scientific ’grey literature’.

Enquiries regarding both Memoirs | Nature and Memoirs | Culture can be directed to Queensland Museum’s Editorial Services team via email. We endeavour to respond to all enquiries within 3 business days.

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