Students holding designed structure

Future Makers STEM Inventors Challenge

Email to express your interest in the 2025 challenge

The Future Makers STEM Inventors Challenge is a unique, free, multi-week STEM program, designed to inspire a new generation of creative and innovative thinkers and makers.

Challenges are run in the Western Downs and Gladstone regions, and are open to Years 5–10 students based in those areas. Home education students are welcome and encouraged. 

The aim of this design challenge is for students to create a comprehensive, well-communicated invention concept. Students are encouraged to use research, technology and software to create a detailed drawing and/or prototype which can demonstrate some of the capabilities of the proposed complete invention.  

The challenge comprises of an in-person launch workshop followed by online mentorship consultations with STEM experts, to guide and inspire budding inventors.

At the conclusion of the challenge, entries are judged by a panel of representatives from Queensland Museum, Shell's QGC business and the local community. 


  • All students received a certificate
  • Winners received a trophy, certificate and large STEM prize pack
  • Highly Commended students received a certificate and small STEM prize pack

Click on the pages below to read more about past winners in each region. 

Future Makers is a partnership between Queensland Museum and Shell's QGC business.

Future Makers Logo

Discover more Future Makers initiatives

Two highschool girls in their school uniforms, each holding round, glass trophies.
Future Makers STEM Inventors Challenge — Gladstone Region
The 2024 winners have been announced!
Students engaged in learning
Future Makers STEM Inventors Challenge — Western Downs Region

2024 Applications have closed. Winners will be announced in October

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