A close-up of the hands of three boys sieving mud through large round plastic containers

Chinchilla Fossil Finders

Saturday 2 August 2025
9am – 1pm


Chinchilla Historical Museum

  Free, no bookings required

Email futuremakers@qm.qld.gov.au to request to be notified by email about 2025. 


 A partnership between Queensland Museum and Shell's QGC business

Unleash your inner palaeontologist!

Chinchilla Fossil Finders is the all-ages community event inviting everyone to unleash their inner palaeontologist and join in Queensland Museum’s exciting excavation efforts!

Help Queensland Museum palaeontologists sort and sieve through local sediment samples to discover and identify real fossils of all shapes and sizes.

There will be hands-on kids activities, mini train rides, giveaways, fossil displays and demonstrations. Plus, you can bring in your own rocks or fossils to be identified.

Food and drinks will be available for sale.



Where to Stay in Chinchilla

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Highlights from 2023 Chinchilla Fossil Finders

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