woman looking up at Mephisto tank

Anzac Correspondent App

Anzac Correspondent makes connections between the objects on display as part of Anzac Legacy Gallery and the stories behind them in an innovative and dynamic way that extends learning beyond the gallery. From Egypt to Turkey and France, the augmented reality experience is set to expand your views of the First World War as you embark on a learning experience as an Anzac war correspondent.

  • Transform the way you learn, see and understand the world around you through augmented reality.
  • Use your smartphone or tablet as a vintage camera to capture photographs and learn stories from men and women on your journey across the battlefields.
  • Select your favourite photographs, stories and headlines to assemble your own downloadable newspaper articles.
  • Discover bonus stories on your journey, and unlock a driving experience in the A7V tank Mephisto.
  • From the camps in Egypt and the fighting in Palestine, to the dangers of the Gallipoli campaign, follow the troops on the Western Front at Pozières, and report on the action in Villers-Bretonneux.

For teachers:

Use augmented reality to make history come alive, right here, in the classroom. We collaborated with historians, teachers, and students to create Anzac Correspondent, using AR technology to help younger generations feel connected to these stories. An immersive and innovative experience means students are kept engaged for longer, and the intuitive navigation allows students to direct their own learning experience. Primary sources used within Anzac Correspondent give insight into different historical perspectives and provide valuable opportunities for further research. Implement Anzac Correspondent in your classroom today.


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