Teacher preview booking form

We invite teachers, early years educators and group supervisors to preview the museum prior to your visit to plan and prepare for your group's learning experience.

Please use the form below to arrange your free entry.

Teacher details

Booking details

Available times are within museum opening hours

Visit options

Please note: This visit is self-guided and free. Accompanying guest require their own paid ticket/s.

COVID safety and acknowledgement of entry conditions

The health and safety of our visitors is our number one priority. To find out about our COVID safe plans and entry conditions visit www.museum.qld.gov.au/queensland-museum/plan-your-visit/hours-and-admission.

Privacy notice

Queensland Museum will only use the personal information you submit in this form to answer your questions, to provide you with the information you have requested or to make requests regarding your question. Further information about the types of information collected and stored by Queensland Museum can be found on our website: http://www.museum.qld.gov.au/privacy-and-security-statement.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

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