Say Our Name — Australian South Sea Islanders | HASS, English Years 5–6

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Learning resource


5, 6



Say Our Name logo
Say Our Name — Australian South Sea Islanders | HASS, English Years 5–6

Calling a person or group of people by their correct name shows you recognise and respect them. It can also be a way to honour or remember someone — think about when you or your team win an award, and your name is read aloud at assembly!

The opening of Say Our Name at Queensland Museum Kurilpa in August 2024 marks 30 years since the Australian Commonwealth Government recognised Australian South Sea Islander (ASSI) peoples as a disadvantaged group with their own history, culture and identity. Six years later, the Queensland Government formally recognised the contributions and achievements of ASSIs in a Recognition Statement. As a result, a whole generation has grown up being able to say with confidence who they are and where they come from.

But do you know who Australian South Sea Islanders are?

Curriculum Links
 This resource is aligned with Australian Curriculum HASS and English Years 5–6

Learning objectives

  • describe cause and effects of change on Australian society
  • compare experiences of people in the past
  • explain the significance of Australian South Sea Islanders (ASSIs) in society
  • develop questions to frame an inquiry
  • develop texts to present information.

Success criteria

  • observe and document significant primary and secondary resources
  • discuss important people, events, developments, places and systems, including placing them
  •  write a position statement (an issue they can present an arguable one sentence opinion on) about
    the significant impact Australian South Sea Islanders have had on Australian society
  • scrutinise sources using key questions to interrogate origin, purpose/context and perspectives
  •  create and present a multimodal presentation to communicate their position statement, supported
    by primary and secondary sources.

Other resources in this series

  • Future Makers logo
  • QGC logo
  • Queensland Museum Network and Queensland Government logos

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